Unifood has its very own distribution network and infrastructure along with a specialized team to cover all the regions of Saudi Arabia. Our domestic sales team is tirelessly on the go making sure that our range of products are widely available throughout.
Our distribution network therefore covers 2 main trade segments:
Traditional Trade
Grocery Store
Discount Stores
Wholesale Stores
Mini Markets
Modern Trade
Hyper Markets
Super Markets
Convenience Stores
We are available at the Kingdom’s top modern retailers such as: Manuel Markets, Star Markets, Al Raya Super Stores, Najran Mall, Danube, Bin Dawood etc.… with a plan to introduce our range to more modern trade chains.
The brand loyalty is quite evident when it comes to Unifood products, some of products in the market are highest selling and very fast moving: National Vermicelli of Unifood is the highest selling in its category; Our Unicake and Unifood cakes presence is undisputed in the Southern Region. Furthermore, with our devised Sales strategies, the market would see an increased demand for our products overall.